Aboriginal artist Gordon Syron and his wife Elaine have put together a 30-page proposal to the Barangaroo Delivery Authority requesting a home for their Keeping Place aboriginal art collection.

It is our dream for the collection to form the basis of Australia’s first national Aboriginal cultural centre, or Keeping Place, at Barangaroo, the Syrons have stated in the proposal.

The idea of an Indigenous culture centre is a recurring theme in public discussion of the Barangaroo development, which is named after Bennelong’s wife, an indigenous woman who played an important role in colonial Sydney. However, a centre is yet to be officially created.

An Aboriginal cultural centre at Barangaroo is a no brainer and if created and managed with the input of local Aboriginal artists and collectors, with the Keeping Place incorporated into it, it could be one of the great cultural galleries of the world, Sydney councillor Irene Doutney said.