Sharing Life and Art from the Western Desert
Until 22 Feb 2009
Yamatji Pirni: Many Friendships
Yamatji Pirni: Many Friendships
Photo: Tim Acker, copyright Western Desert Mob.

Exhibition of traditional and contemporary Indigenous works from Australia’s Western Desert region.

Visit the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre and discover life, art, culture and stories of Western Australia’s Ngaanyatjarra Lands.

More than 40 artists from Kayili Artists, Warakurna Artists, Papulankutja Artists, Tjanpi Desert Weavers, Maruku Arts and Tjarlirli Art share their stories through painting, punu (woodcarving) and tjanpi (weaving).

Ngaanyatjarra is the name of both the language and the collective identity of Aboriginal people from this area. The communities in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands range in size from around 60 people to over 300.

Community art centres of the Western Desert Mob are an impressive example of Aboriginal owned and governed community enterprises. Art centres build independent livelihoods, improve community wellbeing and empower artists.