Outstation Gallery, Darwin in conjunction with Warakurna Artists, Western Australia proudly invites you to view new paintings by Warakurna Artists, including: Tommy Mitchell, Tjapartji Bates, Eunice Yunurupa Porter, Peter Tjarluri Lewis, Carol Maayatja Golding, Tjunka Lewis & Rachel Jennings.

Exhibition Opening on 12 June at 6pm
Dates Friday 12 June – Wed 08 July 2009
Gallery Hours Tues-Fri 9:30-5, Sat 9-3

Paintings can be viewed online 12 June – www.outstation.com.au

Western Desert Mob
Outstation Gallery was recently invited to become a Western Desert Mob Gallery Partner. Western Desert Mob is a As a defiant and bold step toward maintaining strong, sustainable, Aboriginal owned enterprises, an alliance of Indigenous artists and art centres from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands in Western Australia have formed the Western Desert Mob.

The Western Desert Mob is a powerful coalition of Aboriginal art centres, painters, woodcarvers and weavers from the region – united to ensure the wealth of talent and economic returns are retained in the community. The communities and art centres represented in the Western Desert Mob include renowned and well-established artists from Warakurna, Papulankutja, Kayili, Maruku, Tjarlirli and Tjanpi Weavers.