The story of Suzun Bennet, an Australian who wanted to set up an Aboriginal Art business in New York City but instead ended up in real estate

Hailing from Australia, Bennet arrived in the Big Apple six weeks before the 9/11 attacks. She had spent the last 20 years as a chiropractor and osteopath and knew nothing about real estate.

I had checked off so many goals in Australia, she said. Bennet sold her business and her house and timed her move to New York to synch up with her daughter’s move to the city.

Her initial goal was to find a footprint in New York for contemporary Australian Aboriginal art.
I met a lot of arts people, she said, but I found it hard to introduce a genre that wasn’t contextualized here.

Four years later, and after repatriating a lot of art, Bennet was looking for something else. Everything I expected was changed 180 degrees, she said. Someone told me to take the [real estate] exam and get my license.