An Indigenous Art exhibition inspired curatorially by James Turell, Claude Monet and Walter De Maria, The Chicho Museum, Naoshima, Japan.

‘There is no object in this work. There never was. There is no image within it.
It demonstrates the play of light and the manifestation of movement.
Light is material in space and reflects nature.
This space is made for Indigenous Art.
The space allows you to comprehend its size, the depth of it, without being overwhelmed.
When you are ready, its own space draws you in.
Colour? Colour is manufactured perceptually!’

Featuring works by Emily Kngwarreye, Regina Wilson, Dorothy Napangarti, Lilly Kelly Napangarti and Ngoia Pollard Napaljarri

Opening: Saturday 19th July.
Continuing: until Saturday 23rd August 2008.


Sandhills by Lilly Napangardi Kelly

There was also an eBlast sent out to the Aboriginal Art Directory for this exhibition.