An article about the upcoming NAVA Indigenous Art Commercial Code of Conduct, which is in draft form and looking for feedback.
Quoted from the article:
NAVA circulated a draft form of the Code and called for comments on it. Arts Law a comprehensive set of comments to NAVA in response. Particularly Arts Law pointed out that the Code should refer to a number of Arts Law resources which would be beneficial for Indigenous artists and those dealing with Indigenous artists to be aware of, and the educational seminars that Arts Law provides to Indigenous artists on copyright, moral rights, trade marks and other legal matters. The Code should also refer to the Artists in the Black service as an avenue for Indigenous artists to obtain free legal advice services.
Arts Law had concerns that the draft Code was quite lengthy which may deter some artists and art centre managers. We suggested that the Code be drafted so that it is accessible to everyone in the arts industry from politicians to Indigenous artists. For example, if an Indigenous artist in a community speaks English as their second language, then it will be very difficult for them to read and understand the Code. Arts Law is supportive of any changes that will make the Code more user friendly.
Arts Law has discussed our comments with NAVA and eagerly awaits the next stage of the Code’s development.