The Museum and Art Gallery Northern Territory (MAGNT) invites artists and those who work with the Indigenous arts industry to discuss future directions in the Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award (NATSIAA).

This year is NATSIAA’s 25th anniversary. The Award has continued to evolve throughout that period in response to changes in Indigenous arts practice, and changes in the arts market. NATSIAA has been at the forefront and as such has contributed to the extraordinary development of Indigenous art, and serviced the need to grow the Indigenous art industry.

It is timely to take this opportunity in the silver jubilee year to consider the developments and industry context, and imagine future opportunities for NATSIAA. The management of the Award and conditions of entry have and will continue to evolve.

MAGNT has held two public forums (Alice Springs and Darwin) to discuss the future of the awards. MAGNT is now inviting you to participate in this debate through this questionnaire. This questionnaire reflects issues discussed at the public forums.

Please send your feedback via email or post before 31st December 2008 to:

Apolline Kohen
A/Director, MAGNT
GPO box 4646
Darwin NT 0801

Please note that your answers will be treated in confidence. A report on NATSIAA forums and survey will be compiled in January and available in February on MAGNT website.

1.Entry Forms
Are entry forms easy to access for artists? Does access to information about key dates for the Award etc. need to be improved?

Is current timeframe suitable for artists to enter Award and deliver works?

3.Conditions of entry
What is your opinion on NATSIAA current conditions of entry? How could it be improved?

4.Number of finalists
Should there be a restriction on the number of finalists? Note that there is currently no limitation and it is at the discretion of the preselection panel to decide on number of finalists each year.

5.Preselection of NATSIAA finalists and judges of the awards.
Should the judges of the awards have been part of the preselection panel selecting finalists? Have you any suggestions toward the composition of panel and choice of judges? Note that currently judges are not involved in the preselection of finalists.

6.Sale of artworks during exhibition
Are you satisfied with current arrangement? Note that currently MAGNT does not handle the sale of artworks and only provides list of contacts on brochure.

7.Prize categories
Do you think the current categories are suitable? Would you prefer to see different type of categories?

8.Opening event
What do you think of NATSIAA opening night?

Should there be a catalogue produced every year?

10.Touring of the exhibition
Should NATSIAA tour to other venues in Australia after the exhibition closes in Darwin?

11. Please provide here any other comments or suggestions