Outstation and the Western Desert Mob are proud to present this exhibition which features paintings and sculpture by emerging artists from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands, Western Australia.

Western Desert Mob is a group of six Aboriginal art centres whose artists are producing exceptional artworks that share stories of country, culture and family. As a coalition of art centres from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands from Australia’s western deserts, the artists of Western Desert Mob produce dynamic combinations of contemporary and traditional artworks.

The Western Desert Mob is made up of the following Aboriginal art centres:

  • Warakurna Artists, Warakurna
  • Papulankutja Artists, Papulankutja
  • Kayili Artists, Patjarr
  • Tjanpi Desert Weavers, NPY Lands
  • Tjarlirli Art, Tjukurla
  • Maruku Arts, Mutitjulu