We warmly invite you to see the latest and most exquisite body of works by one of Utopia’s master painters¦


Kudditji’s Dreamings have profoundly evolved into extraordinary juxtaposed colour fields “ startling in both composition and hue. Harsh or soft and often surprising to the Western eye, his painterly style maps out the creation, his country, and his traditional Dreamings. While his spatial, painterly compositions have a Rothko-esque quality to them, the work of this Anmatyerre elder from the Northern Territory is clearly a unique Australian voice.
Paintings by the eighty four year old legend Kudditji are hot property right now, both in Australia and internationally. Like his half sister Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Kudditji seems set to take his place as one of Australia’s foremost indigenous artists. He had a traditional bush upbringing and worked as a stockman and mine worker for many years. He is also a traditional custodian of many important Dreamings, of the land and Men’s Business ceremonial sites located in his country at Utopia Station.
During his younger days Kudditji frequently took the young boys/men hunting emu in these lands, merging tradition with practice as part of their learning to take their place in the community as men. It is the land of this experience that he now paints his ˜Emu Dreamings’ and his ˜My Country’ works.

In 2006 Kudditji was named as one of the top 50 most collectible artists in Australia by Art Collector magazine.