Indigenous galleries and artists have recently raised concerns about unauthentic Aboriginal art in Australia.

Sales and marketing manager of Murra Wolka Creations, Dean Slockee, said unauthentic Aboriginal art gave profits to other countries and altered the reputation of the Aboriginal artists within Australia.

It takes away from the original artist, and makes many people think less of the unique art style because they may not always see authentic pieces, he said.

Aboriginal art first came to the attention of collectors in the 1940s, since then Aboriginal artists, galleries and collectors have worked together to make sure authentic Aboriginal artwork is recognised.

Young and upcoming Aboriginal artist, Loretta Lenoy, said counterfeit Aboriginal art made it even harder for genuine Aboriginal artists to get their work recognised amongst the local community, and also resulted in many people being unable to distinguish real artwork from the fake.

Unauthentic Aboriginal art is making it harder for genuine Aboriginal artists to become recognised and it is also affecting the paintings’ stories and meanings, she said.

Cassie Moes, an admirer of Aboriginal art, said it was important unauthentic Aboriginal art did not begin to dominate the local market because it would destroy the careers of authentic Aboriginal artists.

If we want to preserve our nation’s local art and original art form, then we must stop those who are producing unauthentic Aboriginal art, she said.