It is generally expected that a work of Indigenous art will carry a story with it. In some cases, the story is the main attraction for the collector of the art. For others, it doesn’t matter “ it is purely the aesthetic attraction to the piece.

But how important is the story to the artist? Is it simply to offer a means to understand the art? The answer is “ simply “ no. The story attached to the painting is of vital importance because through its telling the culture will continue to survive as it has done for tens of thousands of years.

Aboriginal culture has endured through storytelling. The canvas is the atlas, explaining the geographical layout of the land and the important waterholes, rock-hole sites, food sources, flora and fauna depictions.

Desert Stories, Artitja Fine Arts forthcoming exhibition, and the second in their Cultural Connections series, is a stunning intertwining of traditional stories and canvas ˜maps’.

The exhibition features work by both recognised and emerging second generation artists from across the central desert areas, and selected from reputable Art Centres at Haasts Bluff, Yuendemu, Papunya Tula and the independent artists of Utopia, who over the last 20 years have gained a significant international reputation.

Works included are by well known established artists like Eunice Jack Napanangka, Liddy Walker and Gloria Petyarre with young Utopian artist Selina Teece Pwerl and from Haasts Bluff, Keturah Nangala Zimran and Benissa Marks.

The exhibition also features exquisite weaves by well known Nyoongah Bush Sculptor, Janine McAullay Bott, who will be conducting a half-day workshop on Sunday 12th October. Bookings are essential and places are limited.

Desert Stories opens Friday 10th October at 6pm and continues until Sunday 19th daily 10am to 6pm at Atwell Gallery, Cnr Northlake Road and Canning Highway, Alfred Cove, Western Australia.

For further information, please contact Anna Kanaris on 9336 7787 or 0418 900 954.