School of Humanities and Social Science
In conjunction with Umulliko Indigenous Research Centre and the Newcastle Region Art Gallery

Djon Mundine, OAM

Friday, 29 August 2008

Newcastle Region Art Gallery
Laman St, Newcastle

Djon Mundine is a member of the Bandjalung people of northern New South Wales. Djon has an extended career as a curator, activist, writer, and occasional artist and is renowned as the concept curator for the Aboriginal Memorial installation permanently exhibited at the National Gallery of Australia. Djon was awarded an OAM in 1993 and was Research Professor at Minpaku Museum of Ethnology in Osaka over 2005-2006. He was the Senior Curator, Gallery of Aboriginal Australia, National Museum of Australia, Canberra until 2000, after being Senior Curator of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Programs at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. He is currently Indigenous Curator-Contemporary Art at the Campbelltown Art Centre.

Staff, students and members of the public are welcome

Enquiries to:

Victoria Haskins Ph 49215221 or
Penny Finnigan Ph 4974 5100