Ken Thaiday Senior, respected artist from the Torres Strait Island, presents his visions and art with grace and eloquence. With his wife Liz by his side, they have been transported from one world to another to be honored in Washington, D.C. during NAIDOC Week, which celebrates the achievements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Mr. Thaiday reveals a perspective into a world of dreams, faith, nature, fishing, dancing and art all the while connecting ancient spiritual traditions to contemporary times.

Mr. Thaiday explains the delicate balance in nature of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and faith being the carrier to safety. Symbolic of this delicate relationship is his hammerhead shark headpiece, which has been donated to the permanent collection at the Australian Embassy. The piece is approximately two feet high made of bamboo in three shades of colors reflecting the colors of the shark in the water from brown to gray to blue. Mr. Thaiday has white feathers by the jaws to represent the white foam of water as the shark feasts on unsuspecting prey. Working with the bamboo is a delicate process as the splinters are plenty and painful.