MEMBERS of Hume’s indigenous community have been busily preparing for NAIDOC week, which kicked off on Sunday.

During NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) week indigenous Australians celebrate their cultures and their contribution to society.

Hume City Council and Kangan Batman TAFE’s local indigenous artists will present an exhibition at the Hume Global Learning Centre from 4 to 6pm tomorrow.

Aunty Maureen Simpson, 58, from Westmeadows is an Aboriginal painter helping co-ordinate the exhibition, which will include artwork from eight local indigenous artists. They are different kinds of art, too, because they are all from different places, she said.

Ms Simpson said the week was important to the indigenous community.

My mother was part of the stolen generation; it’s really good, having the Aboriginal community all together.

Acclaimed Aboriginal chef Mark Olive will be serving up his specialities and Kinja will perform a blend of indigenous Australian and Celtic music with didgeridoo, fiddle and vocals.

Clinton Dimer will perform an acoustic set and 2007 Deadly Funny winner Mia Stanton will perform a comedy routine.

Contact community liaison officer Emily Fien on 9205 2200 for more information.