An initiative of the Monash Gallery of Art Foundation, the William and Winifred Bowness Photography Prize, established in 2006 to promote excellence in photography, is one of the country’s most open prizes for photography. It carries with it a $25,000 first prize and $1,000 People’s Choice Award.

Last year the Award was won by Pat Brassington, with a Montalto Honourable Mention award going to Wayne Quilliam. Previous finalists include emerging artists as well as art and commercial photographers.

All entries must be still-based but can be 3D or even collaborative.

The judges for the 2014 Bowness Photography Prize are artist, Siri Hayes, Director of the National Portrait Gallery of Australia, Angus Trumble and MGA Gallery Director, Shaune Lakin.

Entries close Wednesday 11 June 2014.

Enter at Monash Gallery of Art